Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Interesting article

You know, this issue is one I like to tread gently around, but for some, it's the biggest issue, the one they hold dearest to their hearts, and the one that defines them politically. Given that some of my readers (hello? hello?) are staunchly pro-life, and given that I've already turned this into a platform of sorts for Obama, I think I'll just post a link to an interesting perspective of a pro-lifer on supporting Obama.

Pro-Life and Pro-Obama

(This link should not be taken as an endorsement of the author. I really don't know anything about him. I just like that he likes Obama.)


John said...

Great article.
In the past (coming from a very religious and republican home), I have really been frustrated that I was pigeon holed to vote based on 2issues. This has been the first election where I am going to try to take a more holistic approach to how I vote.....which has made this election alot more exciting.

Tamara said...

I've got some stories to tell about being pressured into taking a particular political view that supposedly represents all of Christendom. I'm glad to be free of that now.