Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go see my godson, by way of a conference on Hispanic Achievement put on by the North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals. I was invited to speak about my experiences in helping to get a SIOP program running at out high school. I'll also enjoy some sight-seeing, which is to say, I'm going to be able to visit some of my favorite friends--a rare treat indeed.

None of this is to say that you'll miss me much. First of all, I rarely post here, so if you'd miss me at all, it'd be at another venue. And secondly, my hostess for the weekend is none other than super-Internet-woman herself! I'm sure she'll share her laptop long enough for me to drop in my favorite haunts.

But, please feel free to rejoice with me that I'll be taking my godson to communion (he hardly needs "help" getting to the chalice!) and visiting with some of the best people I know.



Mimi said...

Travel safely, enjoy the conference, and most importantly the time with your Godson and his mom

Sandy Kessler said...
