Friday, August 15, 2008

Many Years, Mara! Happy Name Day!

I took Mara to DL today for her name day. I thought we were about 40 minutes late, but as it turns out, we were there for the first sets of "Agios." We did pretty good!

I thought the parking lot was unusually full for a weekday DL, but once we were inside, I saw why. The Metropolitan Alexios was there celebrating the liturgy with our two priests and one retired priest in our community. It was a truly beautiful liturgy.

Mara did as well as she could. Honestly. I made her fast this morning, which probably wasn't my best idea, but I thought, "Hey, she's almost 6! It's time!" I also thought it would be a short liturgy and that we would have missed some of it.

A yia-yia behind us offered Mara some candy, but when I said she was going for communion, she told Mara to hold it until after communion. Mara did well, and it helped her to stop whining about being hungry when she had food in her hands--even if a little piece of candy. But you should have seen her wolf down her blessed bread! I split mine in half and gave her most of mine, as well. Then, thank God! Another yia-yia, one of my favorites, came and took Mara by the hand and let her eat goodies from coffee hour (Coffee Hour? On a weekday liturgy?) during the Artoklasia (blessing of the loaves). She was a very happy girl! I love taking Mara to church on her name day. It just seems like a way to make it a special day for her.

Here's the Metropolitan:


The Great Entrance:

Mara, trying to play quietly in the pews:

Mara's name day communion, Fr. Dennis:

Metropolitan giving communion:



Mara, a much happier girl after eating something:

What a special picture with the Metopolitan!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

What a blessing! Many Years