Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some thoughts on Obama


I keep hearing and reading rumors about Obama. Lots of people will believe whatever they hear, and it's especially easy when the subject of the rumor is different, in appearance, history, and in name, than any other president we've had before; different than most of the people I hear spreading (and believing) the rumors.

The thing is, when people spread (or believe) rumors about Obama being Muslim, even though he says he is not, it's fear-mongering. The rumors are there to make it easy for some people to simply discount Obama as a viable candidate. I think it's unfortunate to be so convinced by rumors about someone's suitability for office that he's not worth another look.

And I really think it goes beyond the scope of what the Bible says we're able to do when judging whether or not someone is a Christian. If I say I'm a Christian, but because I'm Eastern Orthodox and not whatever other brand of Christianity anyone else is, and that person decides for me that I'm not Christian because our expressions of faith don't match up, well...that's just plain offensive. Because, when I put myself in that situation, I have to think, "How does anyone else get to tell me whether or not I'm a Christian?"

So, if Barack Obama says he's a Christian, and he discusses his faith and how it has influenced his life and the way he approaches social and political issues, then it would be beyond the pale for me to say he's not a True Christian (TM) just because it's a different brand than my own. That really is a matter of the heart, and IIRC, it's God who looks at the heart!

And, just to carry my pov a little bit further, if we are allowed to consider the fruit to determine whether or not someone is a Christian, then it seems to me the best thing we can do in the case of any of our candidates--or current/past presidents, for that matter--is to consider what they say they believe and then what they do about it. Look at real records, and not at rumors.

That's being a conscientious voter.


Mimi said...

Very good post! I completely agree.

i beati said...

I age]ree with who the man is - He just doesn't stand for the BIG things for me though I believe he will win