Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mara says:

Before Christmas, Mara was playing with Nana's nativity set. A friend was watching the play and reported the following to us.

Mara cries for Baby Jesus, "Wah! Wah!"

Friend asked why Jesus was crying. Mara said, "Oh, because he fell off a camel."

Then, Mara made Mary turn to Jesus and say, "Baby Jesus, quit your whining!"


At lunch out the other day, Mara said, "I wish I was eighteen!"

I asked, "Oh, really? What are you going to do when you're eighteen? Move out? Get a job and pay rent?"

Mara answered, "No!!! I can call."

I asked, "Oh? At eighteen, you'll be able to use the telephone?"

Mara replied, "No, silly! I can call FLOAM when I'm eighteen!"

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