Sunday, November 05, 2006

Update to Mara's big girl room

I couldn't find any fairy bedding I really liked, so this is what we did instead. I found these fairy ornaments at Pier 1 Kids and suspended them by the same ribbon I used on the butterflies across the room (see post below). Behind them are two sheer pannels, the cheapest I could find, hung from a tension rod. Before now, the only privacy Mara has had was from the canopy over the bed and because she's shorter than the bed.

This is the new window with the canopy. After researching on the internet, trying three different bedding solutions, and taking pictures of several other options, this is what we came up with. This bed-in-a-bag, called Chloe Plaid, was on sale for $40 at Linens 'nThings. (Haha! Isn't that the way of things? It's cheaper online!) It's not a fairy theme, but neither does it clash with the stripes on the wall. With the fairies in the background, I feel okay about it. As it turns out, Cade and Mara don't necessarily prefer fairies to butterflies/dragonflies, anyway. I'm just glad we found something that wasn't solely butterflies.

Here's Mara showing off her new room. She's really taken to posing for pictures lately.

So, compare this with below and tell me what you think. Did we improve?

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Sandy Kessler said...

is she as tall as her picture here?I liked the aqua blue in the afghan but felt it needed some green. More color coordinated than my dull rooms. ha

Sandy Kessler said...

the fairies look mystical in the windows like that - different lightings cool. wish I could see it that's my goal.. sk

Mimi said...

Good choice, and I love the fairies in the window - what a great idea.