Saturday, September 10, 2005

More Funnies from Mara

Mara's little friend:
She called him Derek before I learned his real name is Garret. Now, when I correct her she says, "Oh, yeah. He has a carrot in his name! Garret!"


Mara has super-powers, and they're especially good for fighting mean frogs. Of course, the nice frogs get to go free.

First, she looked through her 'tend pocket for the right weapon. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, YES! I found it!"

Then, she "powers" the frogs. When I asked what she's holding to power the frogs, she explained that there's a point on the top and the handle part has a scratcy part that gets the mean froggies away.

Later, she switched weapons to her water fall. She folded her hands together prayer-style and squeezed them, saying "Sh, sh, sh, sh." That made the mean froggies go away.

One last offensive measure included a "sushon sprayer" (suction sprayer), and she had to hold her fingers just so for it to work. First, her thumb held down her middle finger, and the rest were exended while she moved her arm up and down. Later, it was the ring finger held down. Last of all, came the first finger. Each position played a special role in making sure the mean froggies don't come back, although my mind simply can't comprehend the complexities of her strategy.

Eventually, Mara vanquished the horrid "Mean Froggies" and now we are living peacefully with the nice ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from where do all these mean froggies come??grandy